Press Releases

PACE of Southwest Michigan Donates Backpacks and School Supplies to Benton Harbor Charter School


SEPT. 7, 2021 – St. Joseph, MI – Parents, teachers and students alike have all been excited to start the 2021/22 school year. The past year has been a challenging one financially for many families. Some families struggle trying to pay for backpacks and school supplies for their children. PACE of Southwest Michigan was very fortunate to have the opportunity to help the students who attend the Benton Harbor Charter School by providing over 35 backpacks and school supplies to students.

The Pride and Joy Committee at PACE asked team members if they could donate backpacks and school supplies. The response was overwhelming, with an average donation of 20 items per person. PACE participants who attend the Day Center helped by organizing and stuffing the backpacks. Activities Coordinator, Hannah Sass shared, “The participants had a blast helping to stuff the backpacks. Many of our participants, who struggle with a variety of health issues, are used to having people help them. So, when they get a chance to help others, it really makes them happy! Participants who typically do not always want to participate in activities at the center, joined right in and had so much fun helping out.”

The backpacks were received by Chris Russell, Compliance Officer at the Benton Harbor Charter School on Friday, September 3rd so they could be distributed on the first day of school. Everyone at PACE of Southwest Michigan hopes that the backpacks and supplies helped make the first day of school a bit happier for the students who received them.

PACE, which stands for Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, is a unique option for older adults who wish to remain in their home as they age.  PACE provides and coordinates their medical and therapeutic care, including in-home assistance, medications, and transportation to medical appointments. Nationally, 137 PACE programs operate 272 PACE centers in 31 states, serving more than 54,000 participants. PACE of Southwest Michigan opened in September of 2012 and currently serves 227 participants.